Saturday, January 2, 2010

English Harbor Online Casino From A Language Point-of-view, How Do The British Feel About American English Speakers?

From a language point-of-view, how do the British feel about American English speakers? - english harbor online casino

It would also be marked wrong if you write words like color, harbor, etc in the way Anglo-American? (especially for students at the school)

Americans in England, so they must feel to learn a new language? And vice versa.

Let's hope that British English speakers needs.


bar_enos... said...

As an American, I often hear on the news channel BBC World, so I can learn English.

I speak American English, and any resemblance is purely coincidental, LOL.

bar_enos... said...

As an American, I often hear on the news channel BBC World, so I can learn English.

I speak American English, and any resemblance is purely coincidental, LOL.

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